A new world of smart technology for channel partners, from EXPO.e and Vysiion

The addition of Vysiion to the Exponential-e Group has ushered in a new era of innovation for both companies. Combining our collective expertise with multiple technologies, across multiple sectors, allows us to deliver a more comprehensive service wrap, putting a range of cutting-edge solutions at the fingertips of our channel partners which they, in turn, can offer to their customers and end users. For example, consider Vysiion's smart technology capabilities…

The Managed Service Desk: a platform for ongoing service improvements and enhanced customer communications

Throughout the past year, organisations across all sectors have been forced to adapt to lockdown requirements, with omnichannel communications replacing many familiar methods of face-to-face contact. In light of this shift, the familiar service desk's role has broadened, acting as many customers' and end users' primary means of contact with their service providers.

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